Best Practices :

Department of Medicine

Best Practices of department

1.Eco-friendly implementation of program for prevention & control of CAD, hypertension, diabetes, TB and other communicable diseases.

2.Fully equipped cardiology centre, dialysis centre, oncology centre, & conducting Bronchoscopy, PFT, NCV, EEG, Doppler studies.

3.OPD facilities for ECG, Injection, Covid vaccines.

4.Library with collection of Indian as well as foreign authored books.

5.Regular conduct of UG/PG seminars for self-directed learning.

6.Regular conduct of demonstration & bedside teaching to improve clinical & communication skills with special reference to differential diagnosis and elicitation of signs and their interpretations.

7.Regular conduct of chart/ poster preparation & presentation by UG/ PG students to improve clinical & communication skills & orientation to research.

8.Arranging integrated teaching program with various pre & Para clinical departments.

9.Problem based learning (case scenario presentation).

10.Skill training done in skill lab for life support.

11.Innovative teaching, learning methods like OSCE, OSPE, interview with patients and relatives & its discussion, case presentations.

12.Identification of slow learners & arranging special classes, clinics, demonstrations to improve their performance.

13.Fast learners are trained for DNB, DM, MD/MS & other competitive examinations.

14.Computer aided teaching & use of video, animations in regular teaching.

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