Department Details :


Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy is one of the important basic clinical specialities. Insufficient emphasis on subject during under graduation, lack of trained personnel in the speciality and to accommodate the ever-increasing number of medical graduates aspiring to pursue specialist course in the subject, this makes the subject special and important to study in the current scenario.

The department of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy (DVL) was started in the year 2004, presently it is headed by Dr. Ramesh M. Gosavi. Since then, the department has been gradually upgraded to present, by experienced faculty. Today department has post-graduation (one seat per year).  The department provides latest treatment facilities to manage skin diseases.


To emerge as department of excellence by providing competent speciality services which are reachable and affordable to rural/ poor common people with compassion.


·       Promote value based subject education and research driven health care.

·   Provide uniform, standard and advance training in subject not only to post graduate students but also to undergraduate students too.

·     Develop problem solving skills in students to manage common skin disorders efficiently.

·       Teach moral values to students to counsel patient and their family members.

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