Introduction :

The Library was established in 2002 when the college started functioning. Year after year it has made steady progress and has growth collection of 13,866 Medical Books with a subscription to 70 periodicals yearly on various Medical subjects.

Library Building :
  • Inside the Institution.
  • The total area of library is 2415.05 Sq. Mts.
Seating Capacity :
  • Reading Room (Inside): 200
  • Reading Room (Outside): 200
  • Staff Reading Room: 40
  • PG Reading Room: 40
  • Internet Nodes: 50
  • Video Cassette Room: 15
Library Holdings :

    Books :

  • Central Library:11,269
  • Departmental Library:2597
  • Journals :

  • Indian: 33
  • Foreign: 37
  • Audio-Visual material : Audio and Video cassettes, slides sets, video tapes and CD’s on various subjects.
  • CD’s :944
  • MUHS Digital Library Consortium
  • “SyNchRroniK SoftLib” Library Management software.

Library Timings: 09.00 am to 09.00 pm (Two Shifts)
Outdoor Reading Hall open 24 hour’s on Sundays and Holidays.
Library has an open access system.

Staff Details :





Mrs. Kalhapure U.R. (M.A. M.Lib)



Mrs. Fase R.S. (B.A. M.Lib)

Dy. Librarian


Miss. Tupe M.B. (B.A. M.Lib)



Mrs. Khile P.M (B.A. M.Lib)



Mr. Labade R.K. (M.A. B.Lib)

Library Assistant


Mrs. Kavhane C.R. (M.A. M.Lib)

Library Assistant


Mrs. Mandlik S.R. (B.A. M.Lib)

Library Assistant


Miss. Manjare M.D (B.A. B.Lib)

Library Assistant


Mr. Ghugarkar M.E. (B.A LTC)



Mrs. Bhise S.P. (B.A LTC)


Library Rules :

Use of Mobile is strictly prohibited in the Library.

Smoking is strictly prohibited in the Library& in the building

Consumption of food and drinks is not permitted in the Library.

Every student must possess his / her Library card while making use of the Library facility and the same to be produced to the Library staff on entering in Library.

Strict discipline must be maintained in the Library. Indiscipline may lead to disciplinary action and the Library privileges may be withdrawn.

Two books will be issued on for the student Library Card.

Textbooks will be issued to students for a period of 7 days.

Textbooks & Reference & Journals (total 3) book will be issued to Teaching staff & PG student for a period of 15 days.

Teaching Staff & Postgraduate Student(PG) do not return the library books on or before the due date stamped on the date slip attached in the book. And PG Student fine will be charged for late submission Rs.5 /- per day. And Teaching Staff fine will be charged for late submission Rs.10/- per day.

Reference, Textbook & Material should not be taken outside in Library.

If pages are found missing then the last borrower of the book shall be held accountable for the missing pages and shall accordingly be fined.

Students are required to handle books and reading material very carefully, Marking library books with pencil or ink, tearing the pages or spoiling the same in any other way will be viewed very seriously. In such case the last reader will be held responsible unless he shows the librarian at the time of issue that the book had been previously marked or damaged. In the event of damage of any kind, the last reader will be liable to compensate for damage. Books will have to be replaced.

In case a Reader loses a book he / she should replace the book. In case the book cannot be replaced. The current price of the book will be paid by the borrower.

Membership card is nontransferable. Students must not lend their Reader Card to any other student to borrow books from the library. Library facilities will be withdrawn for students misusing cards.

In case a student loses his / her Readers Card then the student should report the loss of card immediately to the librarian and apply for a Duplicate card on the prescribed form available at the library counter by paying Rs.50 /- per card.

On no account, personal books, files and other articles will be allowed inside the library.

Readers card must be renewed every year as notified.

The College Leaving Certificate or Transfer Certificate will be issued to student only after he / she has returned all the library books and cleared all library dues.

Library Facilities:

  • OPAC Facility : Students and staffs can check availability of books, issue and return books by login on
  • Reference Section : Latest editions of books and newly arrived periodicals are arranged subject wise and made available to be read library premises.
  • Photocopying facility : Available to all.
  • Separate Internet section with 50 numbers of Computers with Internet Lease Line connection .
  • Book-Bank : The Book Bank facility is sponcered by Social Welfare Department, Goverment of Maharashtra for Reserve Category students only. Books are issued one year for study at home. This service is without any charges.
  • E- Resources : Institute has subscribed to following E-resources through which students and staffs can access E-journals and e-books. DELNET CONSORTIUM : ( Search available Books, Journals, Multimedia Databases, E-Journals Full Text, E-Books, Thesis & Dissertations, Digital Library – Digital Libraries of the World, ILL – Inter-Library Loan Service etc.
  • MUHS Digital Library : ( Maharashtra University of Health Sciences has developed a Digital Library Network for dissemination of health science information resources to the authorized affiliated institutions under its jurisdiction. It consist of more than 2074 online journals.
    I.P. Based link for access to Students and Staffs of PDVVPF -
  • E shodhganga : The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET is set-up using an open source digital repository software called DSpace developed by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in partnership between Hewlett- Packard (HP). The DSpace uses internationally recognized protocols and interoperability standards. Shodhganga provides a platform for research scholars to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. The repository has the ability to capture, index, store, disseminate and preserve ETDs (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) submitted by the researchers. Link:
  • Swayam : Portal is a initiative of Central Government to digital’s the education system and to reach remote areas. Swayam provides fees online course/study material of multiple stream to students across the country it can be accessed at
  • British Library Membership : The British Council is the UK’s International organization for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We create friendly knowledge and understanding between people of the UK and other countries. British council offer a range of resources. That will help teachers educators in their classrooms : Resources for teachers.
    • Teaching courses and qualifications.
    • Counting Professional Developments.
    • Conferences and communities.
  • National Digital Library : Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) under its National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT) has initiated the National Digital Library of India (NDLI) project to develop a framework of virtual repository of learning resources with a single-window search facility. Filtered and federated searching is employed to facilitate focused searching so that learners can find out the right resource with least effort and in minimum time. NDLI is designed to hold content of any language and provides interface support for leading vernacular languages, (currently Hindi, Bengali and several other languages are available). It is designed to provide support for all academic levels including researchers and life-long learners, all disciplines, all popular forms of access devices and differently-abled learners. It is being developed to help students to prepare for entrance and competitive examinations, to enable people to learn and prepare from best practices from all over the world and to facilitate researchers to perform inter-linked exploration from multiple sources. It is being developed at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.
  • National Medical Library : National Medical Library’s electronic resources in medicine (ERMED)


  • Reference services : Reference service is a personal aid provided to the user by the library staff in interpreting library collection for study. Library provides services to its users.
  • Photocopying : This services library provides photocopies of articles from journals and books to the users as.
  • Printing : printing facility is available for records searched from the internet for academic.
  • Scanning : facility of scanning of images and text matter is available free of cost but only for academic purposes.
  • Current awareness services : - Telephone call - Displays of new books and journals. - Book exhibitions by major publications.
  • Audio-Visual services : This service library provides audio and video cassettes CD’s slides of teaching programs
  • Computer services : - Internet browsing and online journals access. - Facilities for preparing presentation materials such as slides transparencies and color scanning. - Color scanning CD writing with laser printing.

Layout (Total Area - 2415.05 Sq.M.) :

Sr.No. Name Area (Sq.M.)
1 Reading Hall-1
Inner Seating
2 Reading Hall-2
Inner Seating
3 Reading Hall-3 & 4
Outer Seating
4 Staff Reading Hall 31.93
5 Resident & P.G. Reading Hall 38.61
6 Stack Room 236.21
7 Journal Room 21.15 + 28.75
8 Reference Section 29.14
9 Video Cassette Room 48.52
10 Internet Section 80.07
11 News Paper Section 52.79
12 Librarian Room 20.24
13 Asst. Librarian Room 15.23
14 Movement Area
(FF + SF)

Library & Reading Hall Committee :

S.N Name Designation
1 Dr. Sunil Natha Mhaske, Dean Chairman
2 Dr. Rajesh Gaikwad, Professor, Comm. Medicine In-Charge
3 Dr. Gautam Aher, Professor & Head, Ob/Gynac Member
4 Dr. Mrs. Sadhana Khaparde, Professor & Head, Pathology Member
5 Dr. Vishal Indurkar, Professor & Head, DVL Member
6 Dr. Suresh Waydande, Professor & Head, Paediatrics Member
7 Mrs. Ujawala Kalhapure, Librarian Member
8 Mrs. Rupali Fase, Assistant Librarian Member
9 Mrs. Pawar Sanchita Sahebrao (Student Representative) Member
10 Mr. Baviskar Kaustubh Sandeep (Student Representative) Member
11 Mrs. Gosavi Aishwarya Shamgiri (Student Representative) Member
12 Mr. Prasad Gunjal, Assistant Professor, Microbiology Member Secretary

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